By default, the scoreboard in Team Fortress 2 is designed for 24 players, so names just don't fit there. Lets try change that.
For a quick fix, just download THIS file and put it in:
...\Steam\steamapps\USERNAME\team fortress 2\tf\resource\ui
(create the "ui" folder if it doesnt exist.)
should work nicely at any resolution.
Keep reading if you want to know the details. can edit the file using Notepad.
the text in red is....well....its pretty self explanatory, increase/decrease "tall" for more/less names on the list. "linespacing" is the distance between names.
"ControlName" "SectionedListPanel"
"fieldName" "BluePlayerList"
"xpos" "5"
"xpos_lodef" "10"
"xpos_hidef" "30"
"ypos" "72"
"zpos" "20"
"wide" "290"
"wide_lodef" "267"
"wide_hidef" "277"
"tall" "280" [$WIN32]
"tall" "255" [$X360]
"pinCorner" "0"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"tabPosition" "0"
"autoresize" "3"
"linespacing" "17"
"fgcolor" "blue"
"ControlName" "SectionedListPanel"
"fieldName" "RedPlayerList"
"xpos" "305"
"xpos_lodef" "284"
"xpos_hidef" "314"
"ypos" "72"
"zpos" "20"
"wide" "290"
"wide_lodef" "267"
"wide_hidef" "277"
"tall" "280" [$WIN32]
"tall" "255" [$X360]
"pinCorner" "0"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"tabPosition" "0"
"autoresize" "3"
"linespacing" "17"
"textcolor" "red"
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