Screenshots to jpeg.

By default, in Team Fortress 2 pressing F5 will take a screenshot in .tga (Targa), which is not a very popular format and eats up alot of room.

Lets make F5 take jpeg images instead.

...\Steam\steamapps\USERNAME\team fortress 2\tf\cfg
First we create a autoexec.cfg file there (if its already there, open it).

Open Notepad and there write:
"bind F5 jpeg" (makes F5 take jpeg screenshots)
And on the line after it
"jpeg_quality 100" (quality setting 0-100)

When saving, name it "autoexec.cfg"
And at "Save as type:" choose "All Files".

Save to ...\Steam\steamapps\USERNAME\team fortress 2\tf\cfg

PS: .jpeg pictures have slightly lower quality than .tga files.

Thats all=).

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